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Useful Tips to have an Ideal Garden in your Home

Useful Tips to have an Ideal Garden in your Home -

Useful Tips to have an Ideal Garden in your Home

Garden of your House? to what extent have you availed yourself of it?

When summer is at its peak, whoever have a garden at their house, they definitely find as much time as possible to relax there, enjoying a cool cocktail and gazing at their beautiful and colorful flowers.

To make the most of relaxing moments with your beloved ones, during the whole day and night, we provide you with several significant tips so you can create your own ideal home garden!

Garden Furniture and Patio Sets

Create your own heavenly space in your garden, patio or balcony with outdoor furniture that will offer you comfort and contribute to the aesthetics of your outdoor house. Ideally, choose a lounge set, a garden dinning set and invite your friends for a meal or a drink!

If your garden has tall trees, then you should place a fabric hammock that will surely captivate you and accompanied with a glass of cool cocktail, it will offer you the serenity of an exotic beach!

Additionally, do not forget to put some sun loungers and sun umbrellas so you can relax during the day or even sunbathe!

Last but not least, use reed fence in your garden, patio or balcony in order to make your place even more private and cozy.

Outdoor Lighting and Garden Lights

Do you wish to organize the perfect garden party? Would you rather enjoy a relaxing dinner with your loved ones? In any case, if you want to take advantage of your garden after sunset, you should have the proper outdoor lighting.Read our useful advice below for a lit garden that you and your friends will fall in love with!

Why should I light my garden?

Obviously, lighting your garden, patio, landscape or balcony in not only a practical matter. You have put a great deal of effort in your garden in order to care of and organize it. Besides, you have carefully chosen the color scheme of your flowers that decorate it.

Therefore, lighting a garden helps emphasizing all this beauty during the night! The right intensity and color scheme as well as a smart placement of lights in your garden will undoubtedly create a dreamy familiar environment that nobody would like to leave from!

Where exactly should I place lights in my garden and landscapes?

  •  Alongside the passages: The pathways you have created in your garden are certainly the primary spots to put lights. A series of solar lamps is the ideal choice – and also ecological – for the perimeter lighting of your garden and to highlight the variety of your plants! 
  •  On trees and bushes: If your garden includes trees and bushes, then do not miss out lighting them too! Paper lanterns or spheres with LED light on their branches would definitely create a fairy-tale garden!
  •  On walls and fences: Of course, the exterior walls of your house as well as the fences surrounding your garden are spots that also should be lit, as well.

A correct distribution of lamps is also important so that they will altogether offer a magical atmosphere at every spot of your garden! At Best Shops you can find a broad variety of lamps for every taste and demand, such as floor lamps or wall lamps, lamps that require electric power or others requiring solar energy (ecologic) or lamps working with batteries.

Finally, one more thing you should pay attention to is the color of lighting you are going to use. Each lighting color sets a different atmosphere and mood. Use lamps with green light that will highlight the color of your plants or white that will maintain their original color. If you wish to create an autumnal atmosphere in your garden, then place lamps with red or yellow light.

Taking care of your Garden

Certainly, the outdoor furnishing as well as the lighting require the appropriate care of your garden. In this way, the final results will be satisfactory for you and your beloved ones.

Here are some useful tips so you can properly take care of your garden:

  •  Watering : During the hot days of summer, your plants clearly need more frequent watering. Water your garden in the evening hours thus helping your plants grow and blossom properly. Use a water hose or watering pot for your flower pots. In case you do not have enough free time, do not worry! Just choose an automatic watering system!
  •  Garden Tools: In order to organize and take care of your garden, you also need the requiring hand tools such as: gloves, pruner, rake, trowel, cultivator, lopper, grass shear, sprayer, mattock, garden hoe, axe, shovel, wheelbarrow, water hose etc. In addition to hand tools, you may also use electric tools, for your garden, such as: : lawnmower orgrass and hedge trimmer, chainsaw, digger, leaf blowers, etc.
  •  Treat plant diseases and weeds: Especially during summer, your plants and flowers may be infected by several diseases.

To deal with such a bad situation – but also as a precautionary measure – use sulfur and copper preparations.You can also create your own “organic” preparation made of 1 tablespoon of ground green soap and 1 teaspoon of alcohol mixed into one liter of water, which you can spray on the leaves of your plants once a week.

Moreover, it is essential to remove any weed that pops-up in your garden, because they absorb nutrients that are valuable for your plants, resulting to the latter weakening. To eliminate weeds, you can use a garden hoe or lawnmower or even your own hands, in cases of flower pots for instance. Obviously, do not use bare hands but rather wear garden gloves.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our “Best Shops” stores in Skopelos and in Skiathos islands and provide you with additional advice and tips as far as garden is concerned. We will also suggest you the appropriate equipment and tools (hand and electric ones) that you might need so you will be able to create your dreamy garden! In our stores you will find everything you need for an ideal garden, patio of balcony.

It would be our pleasure to serve you!